Tuesday, July 28, 2015

New Blog

Before delving in to the the varying posts I may compose in the time to come, I feel it only appropriate the first of these should be an introduction of sorts.

There have been numerous times as of late where I have had a thought process, life happening, or conversation which I have wanted to ramble on or record, which again gave birth to the idea returning to the blogging world. So here I am!
As some of you may remember, I've had a blog in the past. But then as my life became busier, posting became scarce. Before I knew it an entire year had passed since I had last written anything. And so, when I decided to blog again, I also decided to just start afresh. So yes, the other blog, filled with its late-high school+early-college glory has been archived (as took place with the early-high school blog before that). It may just be a sort of circle of life of mine: new blog for a new phase of life. One may wonder why I don't simply keep up the same blog for years on end. And well, I don't really know. Other than as time goes on, I naturally change. And from this change, here is aspect of who I used to be that I would rather not revisit.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.”-Alice [in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll]
By no means do I believe that my past self/words are at all in vain. Merely that those periods of life or parts of my character are no longer why I identify myself. Solution: remove those pieces of life and pretend they weren't there.

So why blog at all if I know I will just be mortified later? The world may never know.

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