Thursday, July 30, 2015


It's so weird for me to not run. Due to the extent of the swelling of my foot today, I had to back off. I can barely fit my shoe on. Thus, a lazy day.

It's like, now that I'm so used to having a daily run in my life, I go crazy when it can't happen. I don't remember what 'normal' feels like. I can't imagine a life of sitting around all day with no run to make up for the sitting.

Where are the Oompa Loompas?

As I said the other day, I've again been stung by a bee. Only this time, my body's reaction to it has been a little more intense, leaving me with a large localized reaction. That is to say, the sting took place on the posterior side of my left calf, roughly three inches above my ankle. And the reaction is making it so that my entire ankle and foot have swelled up. Last night my ankle was the size of a baseball, making it  look as though I have sprained my ankle. Within the next eight hours (while I was sleeping) the swelling leveled up to pregnant lady, having spread throughout the entire foot. In addition to the swelling, areas near the sting have blistered up (as though I had burned myself) and my entire ankle and foot itch.
I'm told that the extent of the reaction peaks at 48 hours, and will begin to dissipate within the next few days.

I really hope this is the case, considering it is my foot that's being effected, and I'm a runner. Any injuries from my waist down make me far more distressed than do ones elsewhere. As a runner, my first thought when I saw my foot was "well can I run?" I received an okay from the doctor to do so, and so yesterday I did, and I wasn't bothered by it. I made it through two 6.5 mile runs (afternoon and night). But we'll see how today plays out, considering it's worse today. Currently, my foot jiggles when I walk, and my ankle is rather stiff. Not fun.

With such a reaction going on, it made me think of Violet from Willie Wonka, and wonder when these creepy little men are going to come out singing, and then carry me off.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The attack of the bees.

One week.
Wasps: 5
Brenna: 0
It would appear that despite the insecticide their nest was assaulted with after the first attack, the bees are still inhabiting underneath the deck stairway. Thus, I look to Winnie the Pooh, an expert on bees, for some advice on how to travel from the backyard to the house without being targeted by the things. This is what he had to offer:
"Now, if you have a green ballon, they might think you were only part of the tree, and not notice you, and if you have a blue balloon, they might think you were only part of the sky, and not notice you, and the question is: Which is most likely?"
"Wouldn't they notice you underneath the balloon?" Christopher Robin asked.
"They might or they might not," said Winnie-the- Pooh. "You never can tell with bees."

New Blog

Before delving in to the the varying posts I may compose in the time to come, I feel it only appropriate the first of these should be an introduction of sorts.

There have been numerous times as of late where I have had a thought process, life happening, or conversation which I have wanted to ramble on or record, which again gave birth to the idea returning to the blogging world. So here I am!
As some of you may remember, I've had a blog in the past. But then as my life became busier, posting became scarce. Before I knew it an entire year had passed since I had last written anything. And so, when I decided to blog again, I also decided to just start afresh. So yes, the other blog, filled with its late-high school+early-college glory has been archived (as took place with the early-high school blog before that). It may just be a sort of circle of life of mine: new blog for a new phase of life. One may wonder why I don't simply keep up the same blog for years on end. And well, I don't really know. Other than as time goes on, I naturally change. And from this change, here is aspect of who I used to be that I would rather not revisit.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.”-Alice [in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll]
By no means do I believe that my past self/words are at all in vain. Merely that those periods of life or parts of my character are no longer why I identify myself. Solution: remove those pieces of life and pretend they weren't there.

So why blog at all if I know I will just be mortified later? The world may never know.